Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baked Kale Chips

I'm back! I've made it back to Beijing, and am ready to tackle another four months in China. My time at home was wonderful, but it's nice to get back to the swing of things again. Before I left good ole Mississippi, I had a time making some snacks for my trip back to Asia/some Superbowl munchies for the fam. One of these snacks were these delish Kale chips. Before trying them, I had never had Kale before, but was intrigued by the fact that you could create a crunchy chip out of this healthy green. My mom wasn't too fond of the smell of them baking in the oven, but the end result however, tasted nothing like the smell coming from the oven. In fact, I thought they greatly resembled a potato chip, only a little more delicate. I made two batches, the first using salt, and the second using Cajun seasoning (Tony's!). I didn't care much for the Cajun seasoning, but greatly enjoyed just having salt. You may also use other greens to make chips. I considered making chips out of beet greens I had left over from this amazing salad I made, but didn't get around to it during my visit. Anyways, these were ridiculously easy to make, so give them a try!

Be warned: if  you plan on traveling with them like I did, maybe put them in a Tupperware and keep it in your bag. It will save you from the mild/hilarious embarrassment of having someone ask you if you're "carrying the good stuff" in an elevator! 

Baked Kale Chips


1 bunch kale (about 6 ounces)
1 tablespoon (ish) olive oil..eye ball it!
Sea salt, to taste


Preheat oven to 300˚F. Rinse and dry the kale, then remove the stems and tough center ribs. Cut into larger pieces (as they will shrink during baking), then toss with olive oil in a bowl. Arrange leaves in a single layer on a large baking sheet, lined with parchment paper or a silpat. I ended up making two batches with my bunch, as I didn't want to overcrowd them. Sprinkle greens with salt, and bake for 20 minutes, or until crisp. Place baking sheet on a rack to cool.

Recipe Source: adapted from Smitten Kitchen


  1. Hey Briit! I was just looking at some Kale chips at Trader Joe's and was wondering about them. Now with your bolg not only do I want them I want to make them. Sounds Yumm! Love you girly. Love your blog!

  2. Hi Aunt Laura! Thanks for checking it out! It's turning into a really fun hobby. I also see you're a cool..thanks! Love you! :)


Did you try this recipe? Let me know what you think! :)

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